We Can Fix This
June 1, 2023
IV Nutrition at Fraum Center For Restorative Health
July 14, 2023
We Can Fix This
June 1, 2023
IV Nutrition at Fraum Center For Restorative Health
July 14, 2023

Surgery Canceled

How one patient went from scheduling back-to-back invasive surgeries, to finding complete restoration with the Fraum Center for Restorative Medicine.

Patient after patient is stepping up to tell the story of their ever increasing “restoration” when they trade the surgical path for a consultation with the Fraum Center for Restorative Health. Lou Mott is one of those success stories.

Mott suffered a cervical injury in 2002 and has been limited by debilitating pain ever since. He endured twenty years of deterioration and agony, and it was about to get even worse as he headed toward surgery in what he thought was his only option. The projected outcome was daunting. With surgery, you might fix a small percentage of your ailment, but what you could incur is often far worse. Even that “small percentage” improvement is not guaranteed and can even be unlikely.

That lose-lose scenario was where Mott was when he first heard about the regeneration options at Fraum. When he first looked into the information, it was out of sheer curiosity, not thinking it was one he would pursue because it was unfamiliar territory and seemed too good to be true.

“I had already had two consultations with a neurosurgeon in New York to do my next surgery. I was at my wits end. I was on high doses of hydrocodone for the pain, taking Ambien to sleep, it was a vicious cycle. I found Fraum while I was working out how to go to New York and recover (from surgeries). I saw an ad, looked up the info, and signed up for a seminar. Other doctors had been wanting to do surgery since 2010 and I kept telling them no this whole time. Now – I don’t need surgery anymore.”

A single inquiry made out of sheer curiosity changed the trajectory of Mott’s journey back to health, strength, and vastly increased abilities. He reports feeling a difference in “a few weeks to a month” after he began therapy and now, a year and a half out from starting injections he has “the ability to be on it for a long time and do leg exercises without my knee stopping me or slowing me down.”

Mott was no stranger to injections and operating rooms so when Dr. Heather Henschel (“Dr. H.”) explained the process in the one-on-one consult, it didn’t seem invasive. It was far less than the incredibly invasive surgeries proposed (plural) which would require wedges between his vertebrae inserted in the front and back, to take pressure off of adjacent discs, which would likely deteriorate under the added pressure and perpetuate the cycle of needed surgeries. Or he could opt for restorative medicine, skip the months-long recovery, protect against future deterioration, and eliminate the life-threatening risks of surgical procedures.

“My knees and shoulders had the Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections along with biologics. Before, I couldn’t reach out and grab a door handle,” now he has restored mobility in that shoulder. “The injuries are still going to be there because I have tears, but the pain is gone, and the arthritis is rectifying itself. I can work other muscles to make up for ones that aren’t doing their job. But with arthritis, when a joint hurts and you feel like there’s sand in there, it stops you from doing anything no matter what your muscles look like.”
Rebuilding regeneration is a lot of what’s taking place,” Mott says of the transformation he’s continuing to experience, “that’s the state of regenerative medicine.”

Find out how you can avoid surgery and find your own path to restoration. Contact us to start your journey to optimal health.

Surgery Canceled

How one patient went from scheduling back-to-back invasive surgeries, to finding complete restoration with the Fraum Center for Restorative Medicine.

Patient after patient is stepping up to tell the story of their ever increasing “restoration” when they trade the surgical path for a consultation with the Fraum Center for Restorative Health. Lou Mott is one of those success stories.

Mott suffered a cervical injury in 2002 and has been limited by debilitating pain ever since. He endured twenty years of deterioration and agony, and it was about to get even worse as he headed toward surgery in what he thought was his only option. The projected outcome was daunting. With surgery, you might fix a small percentage of your ailment, but what you could incur is often far worse. Even that “small percentage” improvement is not guaranteed and can even be unlikely.

That lose-lose scenario was where Mott was when he first heard about the regeneration options at Fraum. When he first looked into the information, it was out of sheer curiosity, not thinking it was one he would pursue because it was unfamiliar territory and seemed too good to be true.

“I had already had two consultations with a neurosurgeon in New York to do my next surgery. I was at my wits end. I was on high doses of hydrocodone for the pain, taking Ambien to sleep, it was a vicious cycle. I found Fraum while I was working out how to go to New York and recover [from surgeries]. I saw an ad, looked up the info, and signed up for a seminar. Other doctors had been wanting to do surgery since 2010 and I kept telling them no this whole time. Now – I don’t need surgery anymore.”

A single inquiry made out of sheer curiosity changed the trajectory of Mott’s journey back to health, strength, and vastly increased abilities. He reports feeling a difference in “a few weeks to a month” after he began therapy and now, a year and a half out from starting injections he has “the ability to be on it for a long time and do leg exercises without my knee stopping me or slowing me down.”

Mott was no stranger to injections and operating rooms so when Dr. Heather Henschel (“Dr. H.”) explained the process in the one-on-one consult, it didn’t seem invasive. It was far less than the incredibly invasive surgeries proposed (plural) which would require wedges between his vertebrae inserted in the front and back, to take pressure off of adjacent discs, which would likely deteriorate under the added pressure and perpetuate the cycle of needed surgeries. Or he could opt for restorative medicine, skip the months-long recovery, protect against future deterioration, and eliminate the life-threatening risks of surgical procedures.

“My knees and shoulders had the Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections along with biologics. Before, I couldn’t reach out and grab a door handle,” now he has restored mobility in that shoulder. “The injuries are still going to be there because I have tears, but the pain is gone, and the arthritis is rectifying itself. I can work other muscles to make up for ones that aren’t doing their job. But with arthritis, when a joint hurts and you feel like there’s sand in there, it stops you from doing anything no matter what your muscles look like.”

Rebuilding regeneration is a lot of what’s taking place,” Mott says of the transformation he’s continuing to experience, “that’s the state of regenerative medicine.”

Find out how you can avoid surgery and find your own path to restoration. Contact us to start your journey to optimal health.