May 2023 The Restorative Report
April 27, 2023
We Can Fix This
June 1, 2023
May 2023 The Restorative Report
April 27, 2023
We Can Fix This
June 1, 2023

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

“Restore” the life you think you’ve left behind…

If you’ve been to a doctor for your pain, you’ve likely heard the word “neuropathy.” If you’re avoiding the doctor, the word might mean nothing to you but the symptoms will be all too relatable: Numbness, aching, stabbing, tingling, “feeling like you have a pair of socks on.” General, unavoidable, inescapable, chronic pain.

This is the case for around 20 million Americans who might hear this list of indicators and raise their hand (if they can raise their hand) to say, “that’s me.” Too many increasingly can’t open a pickle jar much less play pickle ball and what’s worse, too many think this is just a normal unavoidable aspect of aging or irreversible injury and nothing can be done about it.

In almost every case, there is something that can be done about it and that something does not have to include surgery or turning to pharmaceutical remedies. The most common prescriptions thrown at chronic and degenerative pain – lyrica and gabapentin – come complete with a morbid list of side effects, the least of which leave patients feeling sluggish, moody, and generally out of commission. That’s trading one issue for another and wearing the body down further.

Since 1991, the Fraum Center for Restorative Health has been implementing a completely drug-free, FDA-cleared laser solution that is ninety percent effective at treating symptoms of neuropathy, helping patients manage pain and inflammation while promoting regeneration of healthy tissue.

This sort of treatment isn’t limited to degenerative issues. Take the case of James Wooten who was recently injured on the job. “I was climbing a lift, hanging a sign in Statesboro. I felt a pop in my knee, and it buckled,” says Wooten. Immediately he was left unable to function or move normally due to swelling and a torn meniscus. Surgery was recommended but that wasn’t Wooten’s preference. After a visit to Fraum that included an X-Ray and an MRI, Wooten was able to trade scalpel for injections and just a month later is experiencing complete restoration.

Whether sudden injury or chronic pain, Fraum patients are finding the same, often shocking results. “Jim B.” shares the story of experiencing incessant back pain for half a century. “I came for one of those ‘Lunch & Learn’s and frankly I was skeptical. So, here we are two and a half months later, and I have no back pain,” Jim says before adding with emphasis, “No. Back. Pain.” Jim says after fifty years versus two months of treatment, “the restorative health program has absolutely worked. It’s unbelievable.”

This is a patient who started out saying he couldn’t “talk to a doctor for ten minutes” without getting up in pain or having to “sit in the aisle at the theater” to keep his legs straight. Now, he’s not only experiencing relief but slowly picking up what he thought he’d left behind long ago and for good. “I’d stopped playing baseball, football, golf, pickleball. Now, little by little, I’m flowing instructions of course, but I’m getting back into everything.” Just like he accentuated “no back pain,” he repeats again with emphasis and a relief you can hear, “Everything.”

If you’d like to learn more about returning to what you thought you’d left behind, come discover the restorative treatment that’s giving back to our patients what’s been stolen from them over time – without surgery and without pills. Join us at one of our free weekly presentations, open to the community, on restorative medicine beyond stem cells.

Find out more about what we cover or sign up to attend upcoming events by following us on Facebook at

It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

“Restore” the life you think you’ve left behind…

If you’ve been to a doctor for your pain, you’ve likely heard the word “neuropathy.” If you’re avoiding the doctor, the word might mean nothing to you but the symptoms will be all too relatable: Numbness, aching, stabbing, tingling, “feeling like you have a pair of socks on.” General, unavoidable, inescapable, chronic pain.

This is the case for around 20 million Americans who might hear this list of indicators and raise their hand (if they can raise their hand) to say, “that’s me.” Too many increasingly can’t open a pickle jar much less play pickle ball and what’s worse, too many think this is just a normal unavoidable aspect of aging or irreversible injury and nothing can be done about it.

In almost every case, there is something that can be done about it and that something does not have to include surgery or turning to pharmaceutical remedies. The most common prescriptions thrown at chronic and degenerative pain – lyrica and gabapentin – come complete with a morbid list of side effects, the least of which leave patients feeling sluggish, moody, and generally out of commission. That’s trading one issue for another and wearing the body down further.

Since 1991, the Fraum Center for Restorative Health has been implementing a completely drug-free, FDA-cleared laser solution that is ninety percent effective at treating symptoms of neuropathy, helping patients manage pain and inflammation while promoting regeneration of healthy tissue.

This sort of treatment isn’t limited to degenerative issues. Take the case of James Wooten who was recently injured on the job. “I was climbing a lift, hanging a sign in Statesboro. I felt a pop in my knee, and it buckled,” says Wooten. Immediately he was left unable to function or move normally due to swelling and a torn meniscus. Surgery was recommended but that wasn’t Wooten’s preference. After a visit to Fraum that included an X-Ray and an MRI, Wooten was able to trade scalpel for injections and just a month later is experiencing complete restoration.

Whether sudden injury or chronic pain, Fraum patients are finding the same, often shocking results. “Jim B.” shares the story of experiencing incessant back pain for half a century. “I came for one of those ‘Lunch & Learn’s and frankly I was skeptical. So, here we are two and a half months later, and I have no back pain,” Jim says before adding with emphasis, “No. Back. Pain.” Jim says after fifty years versus two months of treatment, “the restorative health program has absolutely worked. It’s unbelievable.”

This is a patient who started out saying he couldn’t “talk to a doctor for ten minutes” without getting up in pain or having to “sit in the aisle at the theater” to keep his legs straight. Now, he’s not only experiencing relief but slowly picking up what he thought he’d left behind long ago and for good. “I’d stopped playing baseball, football, golf, pickleball. Now, little by little, I’m flowing instructions of course, but I’m getting back into everything.” Just like he accentuated “no back pain,” he repeats again with emphasis and a relief you can hear, “Everything.”

If you’d like to learn more about returning to what you thought you’d left behind, come discover the restorative treatment that’s giving back to our patients what’s been stolen from them over time – without surgery and without pills. Join us at one of our free weekly presentations, open to the community, on restorative medicine beyond stem cells.

Find out more about what we cover or sign up to attend upcoming events by following us on Facebook at