Tammy’s Incredible Shoulder Results | The Fraum Center
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Injured Shoulder Results with Restorative Medicine

Tammy lived an athletic lifestyle, slowly building upon her shoulder pains and impingemnt. An injury at work left her with constant pain and a severe lack of mobility, after two years of unsuccessful physical therapy attempts, she came to the Fraum Center for Restorative Health. Tammy states she had seemingly immediate pain releif and is back to doing activities she had once given up on.

Injured Shoulder Results with Restorative Medicine

Tammy lived an athletic lifestyle, slowly building upon her shoulder pains and impingemnt. An injury at work left her with constant pain and a severe lack of mobility, after two years of unsuccessful physical therapy attempts, she came to the Fraum Center for Restorative Health. Tammy states she had seemingly immediate pain releif and is back to doing activities she had once given up on.