Your Homecourt Advantage for Destination Medicine | The Fraum Center
August 2022 The Restorative Report
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September 2022 The Restorative Report
August 25, 2022
August 2022 The Restorative Report
July 29, 2022
September 2022 The Restorative Report
August 25, 2022

Your Homecourt Advantage for Destination Medicine

Destination healthcare, destination medicine, medical tourism – whatever you call it, it’s loosely defined as “travel primarily for the purpose of receiving health care.”

Google "destination medicine" and the search brings up a hundred and twenty million results in half a second. It's a vastly trending term as well as practice -- widely pursued and published -- and for good reason. It’s the draw of excellent care and medical opportunities that call patients from their hometown to the location that offers them the “best medicine” and specialty attention for their particular needs.

Pursing healthcare in this way is not a new concept but as the world gets smaller through digital communication and access to travel, it’s not only catching on, it’s gaining steam.

It's also something the Fraum Center for Restorative Health has been delivering since our inception on the island 30 years ago – before it was a popular approach to healing and health options. We started where the medical community is currently advancing turning science fiction into science fact.

The concept of destination medicine refers to two different angles:
1. Advanced measures (procedures, equipment, specialists, treatment, research) that are only available in highly specialized medical facilities and areas.
2. More discouragingly and unfortunately all too common, it refers to "patients for whom specialty care is driven by their employer's value-based healthcare coverage."

Whatever the motivation or goal or the goal, most of the reasons for chasing your solutions elsewhere are structured around limitation. The local community – whether here on island or throughout the lowcountry of South Carolina – has access to a unique approach to restorative, regenerative medical care through the team and facilities at Fraum.

When The Fraum Center for Restorative Health was first established we introduced restoration processes to our patients that was integrated with chiropractic. We knew we wanted to bring the same options to those in our care, that they felt could only be reached at the nation's major medical centers or across borders. If travel was the only option to reach the solutions we offer, that would put the best and proper care completely out of reach for some or many of those we’re here to heal. But from our beginnings, we were determined to bring that approach to medicine to Hilton Head Island in the most efficacious way. This included curating the right, respected, ambitious team of specialists and labs who could facilitate advancing and ongoing research for greater and more cutting-edge treatment development plans.

The team we built is committed to the knowledge and science that the body is a self-healing organism, and the body is its own best bet. That’s where we start – we start where the body starts when it begins the healing process.

Zero-age cells have an innate intelligence and are the missing quotient to restorative health. The beauty of Fraum on Hilton Head is that beginning to heal through this innovative, integrated, and restorative approach to medicine isn't something you have to evaluate whether you're able to work into a travel schedule or budget. It’s not something a patient has to forego because it's only available in exclusive or out of reach destinations. Most of all, and something about which we’re intensely passionate, it’s not something you have to choose to live without.

It's the core of what birthed Fraum decades ago and what we’ve been doing since we opened our doors. It’s the core of what we’re doing now and what we’re constantly developing with the science moving forward, to assure we’re always offering the patient the greatest access to restorative health. For clients and patients within reach of the Fraum Center, "destination medicine" is right here at home, on Hilton Head, where you have homecourt advantage to the highest forms of healing.

Your Homecourt Advantage for Destination Medicine

Destination healthcare, destination medicine, medical tourism – whatever you call it, it’s loosely defined as “travel primarily for the purpose of receiving health care.”

Google "destination medicine" and the search brings up a hundred and twenty million results in half a second. It's a vastly trending term as well as practice -- widely pursued and published -- and for good reason. It’s the draw of excellent care and medical opportunities that call patients from their hometown to the location that offers them the “best medicine” and specialty attention for their particular needs.

Pursing healthcare in this way is not a new concept but as the world gets smaller through digital communication and access to travel, it’s not only catching on, it’s gaining steam.

It's also something the Fraum Center for Restorative Health has been delivering since our inception on the island 30 years ago – before it was a popular approach to healing and health options. We started where the medical community is currently advancing turning science fiction into science fact.

The concept of destination medicine refers to two different angles:
1). Advanced measures (procedures, equipment, specialists, treatment, research) that are only available in highly specialized medical facilities and areas.
2). More discouragingly and unfortunately all too common, it refers to "patients for whom specialty care is driven by their employer's value-based healthcare coverage."

Whatever the motivation or goal or the goal, most of the reasons for chasing your solutions elsewhere are structured around limitation. The local community – whether here on island or throughout the lowcountry of South Carolina – has access to a unique approach to restorative, regenerative medical care through the team and facilities at Fraum.

When The Fraum Center for Restorative Health was first established we introduced restoration processes to our patients that was integrated with chiropractic. We knew we wanted to bring the same options to those in our care, that they felt could only be reached at the nation's major medical centers or across borders. If travel was the only option to reach the solutions we offer, that would put the best and proper care completely out of reach for some or many of those we’re here to heal. But from our beginnings, we were determined to bring that approach to medicine to Hilton Head Island in the most efficacious way. This included curating the right, respected, ambitious team of specialists and labs who could facilitate advancing and ongoing research for greater and more cutting-edge treatment development plans.

The team we built is committed to the knowledge and science that the body is a self-healing organism, and the body is its own best bet. That’s where we start – we start where the body starts when it begins the healing process.

Zero-age cells have an innate intelligence and are the missing quotient to restorative health. The beauty of Fraum on Hilton Head is that beginning to heal through this innovative, integrated, and restorative approach to medicine isn't something you have to evaluate whether you're able to work into a travel schedule or budget. It’s not something a patient has to forego because it's only available in exclusive or out of reach destinations. Most of all, and something about which we’re intensely passionate, it’s not something you have to choose to live without.

It's the core of what birthed Fraum decades ago and what we’ve been doing since we opened our doors. It’s the core of what we’re doing now and what we’re constantly developing with the science moving forward, to assure we’re always offering the patient the greatest access to restorative health. For clients and patients within reach of the Fraum Center, "destination medicine" is right here at home, on Hilton Head, where you have homecourt advantage to the highest forms of healing.