Feeling Better vs. Being Better | The Fraum Center
April 2022 The Restorative Report
March 30, 2022
May 2022 The Restorative Report
April 28, 2022
April 2022 The Restorative Report
March 30, 2022
May 2022 The Restorative Report
April 28, 2022

Feeling Better vs. Being Better

Only One can Change your Life

“Wholeness isn’t just the absence of disease but the presence of health, healthy living and thus 100% function”

When our patients come in and we ask the obvious question, “do you want to feel better,” the answer is of course yes, but our response is surprising to most. We say, “In twelve seconds, we’re going to change that answer.” We don’t change the desire for improvement – we change the understanding that there’s a sizable difference between feeling better and being better.

What does it take to feel whole – feel better – feel well? The right prescription? There’s something not right about that equation – that searching for the right pill or dosage is the answer to what literally ails you. Medication has its benefit and in so many cases is legitimately needed – but what about the other lifestyle areas our body is built to heal us on its own?

Feeling better can come in a variety of different forms, some of them very misleading. Feelings can be simulated with myriad pain meds and cover-ups. For a minute. But we’re not in the business of hiding what ails you. We're here to heal what's really hurting you – the source that causes the ailment. Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day – teach a man why he hurts and how to address the pain at the source, and he’ll go out fishing with full joint rotation, healthy, and well, and hauling in the yellowtail.

Being better is the higher and longer-lasting goal, but to get better you have to heal better. It’s the same end goal, but with healing versus pain management, resolving an underlying issue instead of covering up a deteriorating function. Feeling better may be what you want but how to get you there and keep you there is where we come in and such we are restoring health as opposed to rehabbing a deteriorating body.

There’s a fundamental difference between treating certain precise diseases that demand prescriptive treatment to sustain life or the quality therein. But most of what the body begins to deal with in later years is not due to disease but aging. Aging (especially according to poor lifestyle choices or lack of good choices) is the common denominator of why we’re not healthier. That’s our true epidemic, especially in American culture where a large part of the population falls short of the recommended daily exercise and nutrition. We’re simply not living well.

Aging, in and of itself, is not a disease. For something to be a disease, the number of people who have it need to be less than 50% of the population. Aging and its effects are something everyone endures. This means it’s also something that everyone has an ability to treat, nurture, and regarding some issues even thoroughly heal through a variety of “non-surgical restorative remedies” for a better quality of living.

We’ve been in the community for 30 years. Through our start in chiropractic and our evolution into a “comprehensive level of care offering Prenatal Chiropractic, Sports Chiropractic, Restorative Medicine, and Nutritional Therapies, specializing in pain and inflammation reduction," we also offer our patients "nutritional counseling, sports and athletic training performance maintenance, and personalized plans for lifestyle modifications.” Pain medication is not traditionally what we do though we do offer that in necessary cases and for maintenance while we pursue greater goals with you. We work with you individually to assess your needs and create unique wellness plans that lead you to live the life you love. We train and equip our patients to feel better by living better.

At the end of the day this is only truly accomplished by a body that is synchronously functioning in both health and vitality. Wholeness is not just the absence of negative symptoms – wholeness is a symptom itself, an indicator and clear representative of the body functioning in all its systems on a healthier level.

As the weather warms and we see the island coming to life as one of the most active communities in the Lowcountry, it’s a great inspiration to adjust your goals from temporary solutions (which only distract from solving real and recurring issues) to long term aspirations of healing, wholeness, and overall whole-body well-being.

That’s our end-goal for our patients. That can be your end-goal for your life and style of living. If you came in to “feel better,” we can walk you through the possibilities of “becoming better,” and that’s something you can feel good about for a very long time.

Feeling Better vs. Being Better

Only One can Change your Life

“Wholeness isn’t just the absence of disease but the presence of health, healthy living and thus 100% function”

When our patients come in and we ask the obvious question, “do you want to feel better,” the answer is of course yes, but our response is surprising to most. We say, “In twelve seconds, we’re going to change that answer.” We don’t change the desire for improvement – we change the understanding that there’s a sizable difference between feeling better and being better.

What does it take to feel whole – feel better – feel well? The right prescription? There’s something not right about that equation – that searching for the right pill or dosage is the answer to what literally ails you. Medication has its benefit and in so many cases is legitimately needed – but what about the other lifestyle areas our body is built to heal us on its own?

Feeling better can come in a variety of different forms, some of them very misleading. Feelings can be simulated with myriad pain meds and cover-ups. For a minute. But we’re not in the business of hiding what ails you. We're here to heal what's really hurting you – the source that causes the ailment. Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day – teach a man why he hurts and how to address the pain at the source, and he’ll go out fishing with full joint rotation, healthy, and well, and hauling in the yellowtail.

Being better is the higher and longer-lasting goal, but to get better you have to heal better. It’s the same end goal, but with healing versus pain management, resolving an underlying issue instead of covering up a deteriorating function. Feeling better may be what you want but how to get you there and keep you there is where we come in and such we are restoring health as opposed to rehabbing a deteriorating body.

There’s a fundamental difference between treating certain precise diseases that demand prescriptive treatment to sustain life or the quality therein. But most of what the body begins to deal with in later years is not due to disease but aging. Aging (especially according to poor lifestyle choices or lack of good choices) is the common denominator of why we’re not healthier. That’s our true epidemic, especially in American culture where a large part of the population falls short of the recommended daily exercise and nutrition. We’re simply not living well.

Aging, in and of itself, is not a disease. For something to be a disease, the number of people who have it need to be less than 50% of the population. Aging and its effects are something everyone endures. This means it’s also something that everyone has an ability to treat, nurture, and regarding some issues even thoroughly heal through a variety of “non-surgical restorative remedies” for a better quality of living.

We’ve been in the community for 30 years. Through our start in chiropractic and our evolution into a “comprehensive level of care offering Prenatal Chiropractic, Sports Chiropractic, Restorative Medicine, and Nutritional Therapies, specializing in pain and inflammation reduction," we also offer our patients "nutritional counseling, sports and athletic training performance maintenance, and personalized plans for lifestyle modifications.” Pain medication is not traditionally what we do though we do offer that in necessary cases and for maintenance while we pursue greater goals with you. We work with you individually to assess your needs and create unique wellness plans that lead you to live the life you love. We train and equip our patients to feel better by living better.

At the end of the day this is only truly accomplished by a body that is synchronously functioning in both health and vitality. Wholeness is not just the absence of negative symptoms – wholeness is a symptom itself, an indicator and clear representative of the body functioning in all its systems on a healthier level.

As the weather warms and we see the island coming to life as one of the most active communities in the Lowcountry, it’s a great inspiration to adjust your goals from temporary solutions (which only distract from solving real and recurring issues) to long term aspirations of healing, wholeness, and overall whole-body well-being.

That’s our end-goal for our patients. That can be your end-goal for your life and style of living. If you came in to “feel better,” we can walk you through the possibilities of “becoming better,” and that’s something you can feel good about for a very long time.