Climbing to Better Health
June 6, 2022
July 2022 The Restorative Report
June 27, 2022
Climbing to Better Health
June 6, 2022
July 2022 The Restorative Report
June 27, 2022

This Changes Everything:

Putting Down the Pill and the Pizza, Picking Up Pure Performance

No doctor cures anything…except a ham, …. but what does the body need? The answer to what the body needs is where the confusion starts, and the redirection you get from media, habits, and history on what helps versus what doesn’t. The team at Fraum Center for Restorative Health, however, knows better.

With 30 years on the island and over 80 combined years of expertise, we have seen that the most direct route to health most often involves simple but transformative lifestyle changes – making different choices about what you’re eating and how you’re living. Simple shifts that could change literally everything about your health and wellbeing.

That may already sound like the broken record that you already hear in the world of fitness or an infomercial for a New Year’s resolution that will flame out as quickly as it started. But our philosophy as well as applicable practice of helping you pivot towards health is about more than just the basic “diet and exercise" headlines. It’s about visualizing that approach – and that part of your life – in the same way that most of the world traditionally views and utilizes pharmaceuticals.

No doubt, there are those conditions that are benefitted by the scientific advances of medicine – and some are lifesaving. For most, however, we’re drowning in the bad habit of over-medicating and under-performing. Which leads to under-living. That’s the opposite of the Fraum mission.

More often than not, pharmaceuticals PLACATE AND PACIFY illness and limitations, covering up what is bound to only get worse. This could actually be dangerous and at best, keeps you from your best self. How can you see what isn’t working if it’s distracted by drugs, much less completely unsupported through one of our greatest untapped strengths – the body’s own restorative systems. That’s our target.  We work to counteract the effects of poor diet, lack of exercise, and popping pills by creating and supporting a lifestyle plan for patients that has a restorative effect on all their body’s formative and foundational functions.

When you leverage the incredible benefits of the human body by implementing diet and exercise medicinally, this has tremendous physiological effects, not only in healing, but avoiding ailments and illnesses we’re creating through an endless array of poor habits. Auto immune diseases like inflammatory bowel disease are triggered primarily by atrocities of western diet. Worse, these ill effects aren’t eliminated in the same way they would be if we were working our bodies through traditional means, instead of sitting on couches, in traffic, or our wraparound Lowcountry porches. First world problems lead to first world dysfunction.

We have to approach this holistically and wholly, because diet and exercise go hand in hand. For example, you can’t out-train a bad diet and you can’t “eat right” enough to eliminate the effects of a sedentary state. If you keep eating pizza, you’re not going to increase your metabolic rate to where it needs to be to make the functionality changes your body needs to make to be “running on healthy.”

In a sentence, you can’t make up in exercise what you do (or don’t do) in the kitchen, and you can’t cook up any menu that removes the need for movement.

It isn’t easy to toe this line, but that’s the significance of restorative treatment at Fraum. Through programs that map out lifestyle change and bury fad diets or exercise practices that lead to binge/purge cycles, we strive to reset your system to do the job it was born to do at whatever age and stage. It’s important to have a restoration partner alongside you for this process because this journey doesn't end in 90 days. It’s an ongoing way of living and something we can customize with you as you begin to experience total life change.

This Changes Everything:

Putting Down the Pill and the Pizza, Picking Up Pure Performance

No doctor cures anything…except a ham, …. but what does the body need? The answer to what the body needs is where the confusion starts, and the redirection you get from media, habits, and history on what helps versus what doesn’t. The team at Fraum Center for Restorative Health, however, knows better.

With 30 years on the island and over 80 combined years of expertise, we have seen that the most direct route to health most often involves simple but transformative lifestyle changes – making different choices about what you’re eating and how you’re living. Simple shifts that could change literally everything about your health and wellbeing.

That may already sound like the broken record that you already hear in the world of fitness or an infomercial for a New Year’s resolution that will flame out as quickly as it started. But our philosophy as well as applicable practice of helping you pivot towards health is about more than just the basic “diet and exercise" headlines. It’s about visualizing that approach – and that part of your life – in the same way that most of the world traditionally views and utilizes pharmaceuticals.

No doubt, there are those conditions that are benefitted by the scientific advances of medicine – and some are lifesaving. For most, however, we’re drowning in the bad habit of over-medicating and under-performing. Which leads to under-living. That’s the opposite of the Fraum mission.

More often than not, pharmaceuticals PLACATE AND PACIFY illness and limitations, covering up what is bound to only get worse. This could actually be dangerous and at best, keeps you from your best self. How can you see what isn’t working if it’s distracted by drugs, much less completely unsupported through one of our greatest untapped strengths – the body’s own restorative systems. That’s our target.  We work to counteract the effects of poor diet, lack of exercise, and popping pills by creating and supporting a lifestyle plan for patients that has a restorative effect on all their body’s formative and foundational functions.

When you leverage the incredible benefits of the human body by implementing diet and exercise medicinally, this has tremendous physiological effects, not only in healing, but avoiding ailments and illnesses we’re creating through an endless array of poor habits. Auto immune diseases like inflammatory bowel disease are triggered primarily by atrocities of western diet. Worse, these ill effects aren’t eliminated in the same way they would be if we were working our bodies through traditional means, instead of sitting on couches, in traffic, or our wraparound Lowcountry porches. First world problems lead to first world dysfunction.

We have to approach this holistically and wholly, because diet and exercise go hand in hand. For example, you can’t out-train a bad diet and you can’t “eat right” enough to eliminate the effects of a sedentary state. If you keep eating pizza, you’re not going to increase your metabolic rate to where it needs to be to make the functionality changes your body needs to make to be “running on healthy.”

In a sentence, you can’t make up in exercise what you do (or don’t do) in the kitchen, and you can’t cook up any menu that removes the need for movement.

It isn’t easy to toe this line, but that’s the significance of restorative treatment at Fraum. Through programs that map out lifestyle change and bury fad diets or exercise practices that lead to binge/purge cycles, we strive to reset your system to do the job it was born to do at whatever age and stage. It’s important to have a restoration partner alongside you for this process because this journey doesn't end in 90 days. It’s an ongoing way of living and something we can customize with you as you begin to experience total life change.