January 2022 The Restorative Report | The Fraum Center
What Does Wellness Look Like For You?
November 15, 2021
February 2022 The Restorative Report
January 31, 2022
What Does Wellness Look Like For You?
November 15, 2021
February 2022 The Restorative Report
January 31, 2022

January 2022

Reinventing our Bodies through Restorative Health


I realized long ago that health, healing, recovery, and everyday life maintenance were much more than searching for an external answer and following whatever the crowd was doing. Now we are focusing on reinventing our bodies from the inside out. Beyond the papers and studies, the prescriptions, supplements, and diet which all have their place, the single most powerful resource on my journey to live an extraordinary life depends on reinventing our bodies.

2021 has pushed me further in understanding the profound potential of the human body versus the limited scope of modern medicine. We find ourselves with a gaping therapeutic cryptic gap. On one side we have the brilliant emerging science and the other, the agents of current medical model. At no time in history has it been more important to harness the potential that we already have to heal the body. And yes, it can be done. Our first move is to step out of the box we have so comfortably been raised in. It can be uncomfortable at first but is infinitely rewarding when we do.

At Harvard Medical School, Dr. Herbert Benson. MD shared something he learned, “that the greater part of what he was learning about the human body would be obsolete in five years.” That was 15 years ago. And guess what? Everything has changed! Neuroscience, Nutritional Science, Exercise Science…everything is exploding in change. The greatest challenge for those of us who are seeking more is that it takes a looooooong time for that exciting new information to get to the doctor’s office and often 10, 20, 50, or more years! Dogma is a hard thing to change. As Dr. Benson shared, a lot of thinking that you encounter in your medical appointments is obsolete.

Which brings us to today and a very interesting situation. We have never had stronger drugs, but the pharmaceutical industry has a major advocacy position on the medical profession through journals, advertisements, meeting, etc. to persuade doctors that the proper role is to select which drug or drugs to use to suppress which symptoms. We know especially circa 2021 that Restorative Therapies understand that any suppression of a symptom will cause a diminished general state of health.

Most diseases, trauma, and infections causing human misery are consequences of cellular damage at some level. The key to mitigating cellular damage is cellular therapy. We are able to repair our cells through targeted maintenance.

Our repair cells are very smart and know exactly what to do to accomplish the job. Sometimes they need to form new cells and sometimes they need to make supporting cells or blood vessels, and sometimes they simply need to secrete factors which signal the damaged cells to heal.

2021 has been a year of significant innovation across the field of restorative medicine at Mayo Clinic and only at Fraum Center for Restorative Health in the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire. As we leap into 2022, we highly encourage you to continue on your quest with us as our Restorative Solutions including Human Cellular Tissue Products (HCTS) Restorative Medicine injections BEYOND STEM CELLS™, Chiropractic, DRX 9000® Non-Surgical Disc Decompression, Dr. H’s FRAUM’s proprietary Vitamin Infusions, Summus Class Laser, Cryofus and more are fully available.

Regenerative medicine is redefining clinical care, going beyond mitigating disease symptoms to addressing the underlying cause.

Optimal Health and well-being to all in 2022 and into the future,

January 2022
Restorative Report


January 2022

Reinventing our Bodies through Restorative Health


I realized long ago that health, healing, recovery, and everyday life maintenance were much more than searching for an external answer and following whatever the crowd was doing. Now we are focusing on reinventing our bodies from the inside out. Beyond the papers and studies, the prescriptions, supplements, and diet which all have their place, the single most powerful resource on my journey to live an extraordinary life depends on reinventing our bodies.

2021 has pushed me further in understanding the profound potential of the human body versus the limited scope of modern medicine. We find ourselves with a gaping therapeutic cryptic gap. On one side we have the brilliant emerging science and the other, the agents of current medical model. At no time in history has it been more important to harness the potential that we already have to heal the body. And yes, it can be done. Our first move is to step out of the box we have so comfortably been raised in. It can be uncomfortable at first but is infinitely rewarding when we do.

At Harvard Medical School, Dr. Herbert Benson. MD shared something he learned, “that the greater part of what he was learning about the human body would be obsolete in five years.” That was 15 years ago. And guess what? Everything has changed! Neuroscience, Nutritional Science, Exercise Science…everything is exploding in change. The greatest challenge for those of us who are seeking more is that it takes a looooooong time for that exciting new information to get to the doctor’s office and often 10, 20, 50, or more years! Dogma is a hard thing to change. As Dr. Benson shared, a lot of thinking that you encounter in your medical appointments is obsolete.

Which brings us to today and a very interesting situation. We have never had stronger drugs, but the pharmaceutical industry has a major advocacy position on the medical profession through journals, advertisements, meeting, etc. to persuade doctors that the proper role is to select which drug or drugs to use to suppress which symptoms. We know especially circa 2021 that Restorative Therapies understand that any suppression of a symptom will cause a diminished general state of health.

Most diseases, trauma, and infections causing human misery are consequences of cellular damage at some level. The key to mitigating cellular damage is cellular therapy. We are able to repair our cells through targeted maintenance.

Our repair cells are very smart and know exactly what to do to accomplish the job. Sometimes they need to form new cells and sometimes they need to make supporting cells or blood vessels, and sometimes they simply need to secrete factors which signal the damaged cells to heal.

2021 has been a year of significant innovation across the field of restorative medicine at Mayo Clinic and only at Fraum Center for Restorative Health in the Lowcountry and Coastal Empire. As we leap into 2022, we highly encourage you to continue on your quest with us as our Restorative Solutions including Human Cellular Tissue Products (HCTS) Restorative Medicine injections BEYOND STEM CELLS™, Chiropractic, DRX 9000® Non-Surgical Disc Decompression, Dr. H’s FRAUM’s proprietary Vitamin Infusions, Summus Class Laser, Cryofus and more are fully available.

Regenerative medicine is redefining clinical care, going beyond mitigating disease symptoms to addressing the underlying cause.

Optimal Health and well-being to all in 2022 and into the future,

January 2022
Restorative Report