Linda's Story

“The medical field is opening up to recognizing the goodness that comes from this type of care and therapy, and I feel I’ve gotten a lot of good out of it!”
Linda is a retired registered nurse, who had undergone back surgery four years prior to treatment at Fraum. She was in so much pain after her procedure that never fully resolved. After seeing a local ad for Fraum Center for Restorative Health, Linda attended one of the lectures on restorative health options. Wanting to avoid a second surgery, Linda made the decision to seek treatment with the doctors at Fraum. The combination of restorative medicine combined with physical therapy has improved her range of motion and pain levels significantly.

Linda's Story

“The medical field is opening up to recognizing the goodness that comes from this type of care and therapy, and I feel I’ve gotten a lot of good out of it!”
Linda is a retired registered nurse, who had undergone back surgery four years prior to treatment at Fraum. She was in so much pain after her procedure that never fully resolved. After seeing a local ad for Fraum Center for Restorative Health, Linda attended one of the lectures on restorative health options. Wanting to avoid a second surgery, Linda made the decision to seek treatment with the doctors at Fraum. The combination of restorative medicine combined with physical therapy has improved her range of motion and pain levels significantly. 

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